Finer Finance 101 provides financial seminars to non-profits, corporations, and private groups that range in all topics related to personal and business finance. Our seminars usually last between 1-2 hours followed by time to meet with individuals one-on-one regarding their specific circumstance.
Our Most Popular Topics Include:
Personal Finances 101 - An Overview of Everything You Need to Know
Budgeting 101
Tax Reform and Taxes 101
Reducing your Taxable Income 101
Understanding Your Student Loans
Investing in the Stock Market 101
Investing in Real Estate 101
Investing in Cryptocurrency 101
Understanding your 401K and Retirement
What Comes First? How do I pay off debt and invest at the same time?
How to Create Passive Income 101
Financial Literacy 101 - What do all these terms actually mean?
Raising Your Financial IQ 101 (Accounting, Investing, Understanding Markets, the Law)
The 6 Principles of Success from Rich Dad Poor Dad
The Best Ways to Create Additional Savings