More than just a housing complex.


Bryant Hill is more than just a housing complex – it's a neighborhood, and any good neighborhood comes with amenities for the locals. When we built Bryant Hill, we handpicked these fine establishments to join our community.



Ashly Bauserman came to A2W as a Business Development consultant.  She walked into an entirely new industry (Public Relations) and used her marketing and sales experience and creativity to be able to quickly help us grow our business by first understanding the key selling points and then fashioning it into new marketing appeals.  Her efforts have produced results as we’ve reached a large number of new potential clients and a number of those have already asked for proposals to do business.  She consistently thinks very well, takes well founded initiative and tirelessly works to achieve our goals.  She has very strong business intuition and an even stronger track record which has proven very fruitful for us at A2W. 

Advocacy to Win, Washington D.C.